Uses For Baking Soda

There are dozens of uses for baking soda besides baking.  Clean your stove top by generously sprinkling baking soda around the top of the stove, spray with hot water, soak for 30 minutes, then scrub clean. Stainless steel sink looking bad?  Sprinkle a good amount in you sink and scrub with a wet sponge, rinse well.baking soda  Soak your crock pot with baking soda and hot water for an easy clean up.  Thermos getting smelly?  Put a large spoonful in the thermos and pour some boiling water in, close the cap and let sit for a few hours, then rinse well.  Make a paste, apply to a wet sponge and use to remove scuff marks from floors.  Uses for baking soda are unending.

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