
Air Conditioner Problems?

Air Conditioner ProblemsIt looks like we’re finally getting into warmer weather consistently! And with your AC running more often, you may encounter some issues where your air conditioner doesn’t seem to be working as it should. There are a few easy things that you as a homeowner can check that could potentially alleviate your air conditioning issues.

Check your thermostat batteries

–          If your thermostat is battery powered, make sure the batteries are still good and you’re not having AC issues because of a dead battery issue.

Check your thermostat settings

–          Make sure you are set to Cooling mode instead of Heating mode and check to see if you have a program set up that may prevent your system from reaching your set temperature.

Replace your air filter

–          A clogged, dirty filter will inhibit your system from functioning properly. If you aren’t sure when the last time you changed your filter was, you should probably just change it!

Check your breakers

–          Check the breaker that is connected to your air conditioner and see if it has been tripped, if so, reset it and see if it fixes the problem. If you turn on your AC and the breaker trips again, it’s time to call a professional.

Check your vents

–          Make sure your vents aren’t blocked and are open to allow air flow.

If you have checked out these items and your air conditioner still isn’t working, give us a call at 785-341-4193 and let one of our technicians fully assess your AC system and get your system back up and running!

De Hart Plumbing Heating and Cooling, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas, Wamego Kansas, Topeka Kansas, and some surrounding areas.

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