Sleep – Its Good For You

Set yourself up for a good nights sleep.  Do a room check, if clutter stresses you, tidy up the room by closing closet doors, shutting any open drawers and doing a quick pick up.  When you wash your face and brush your teeth before bedtime, lower or turn off bathroom lights.  If it is too dark, put a night light in the bathroom or turn on a hallway light for some indirect lighting. Exposure to bright indoor lighting can trick your body into staying awake.  Check your pillow situation.  The wrong pillow can put stress on your neck or vertebrae, leading to a restless sleep.  If you sleep on your side, you should use a fuller pillow to keep your neck in a neutral position.  If you sleep on your back or stomach, opt for a flatter pillow that ensures your chin isn’t pushed too far forward-causing neck strain.  Set the thermostat to 68*, the perfect temperature for sleep. Cooler air lowers your body temperature and eases you into dreamland.  Skip sleeping in warm flannel or adding extra blankets-overheating can make it harder to sleep restfully.  Relax and loosen up before getting into bed by extending your arms out to your sides and breathe deeply for 60 seconds.  As you age, your body produces the less melatonin-the sleep-regulating hormone.  Melatonin supplements are available, visit your doctor to find out if you may need to improve your sleep quality as you age.  De Hart Plumbing Heating and Cooling serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas, Wamego Kansas and some surrounding areas.  De Hart Plumbing and Heating and Cooling - Manhattan, KS 66502

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