
Keep or Toss

Keep or toss, that is the question?  Spring cleaning is right around the corner, so here are some ideas on deciding what to keep or toss.  * One sock- toss it in your cleaning rags, it is perfect for dusting.  * Plastic containers with missing lids – use them for drawer organizing, or for do-dads in the garage.  *Old pens – If you never use them, toss or donate.  * Books you never read – give them away or donate to the thrift store.  * Extra vases – fill them with flowers from your garden and give them to friends and neighbors.  * Old nail polish – toss.  * Extra water bottles – Keep one per family member if they are not used often, toss the rest.  De Hart Plumbing Heating and Cooling, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction CDe Hart Plumbing and Heating and Cooling - Manhattan, KS 66502ity Kansas , Wamego Kansas and some outlying areas. 

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