
Did You Know?

Did you know these were foods created in America?  Fortune Cookie-Makoto Hagiwari claims his San Francisco teahouse invented the paper stuffed treat in 1914, although David Jung claims the creation in 1918.  Garlic Bread– It is told that troops returning from Italy in WWII were spoiled on bruschetta while serving in Italy, savvy chefs in Michigan tried to meet soldiers demand when returning stateside by slathering the toasted white bread with garlic and margarine.  Chimichanga – The founder of El Charro Cafe’ in Arizona in the 1050’s fumbled a burrito into some frying oil, as the burrito fell into the oil, she blurted out “chimichanga” instead of a cuss word, thus giving it the name. English Muffin– Samuel Thomas actually called his creation a “toaster crumpet” when he debuted them in his New York bakery in 1880. The term English Muffin came later. Cuban Sandwich – Cuban sandwiches were offered as a cheap lunch offered to Cuban immigrants who worked in Florida cigar factories in the late 1800’s. Did it originate in Tampa or Miami – who knows?  German Chocolate Cake – Boston baker Sam German created a new type of baking chocolate for Baker Chocolate Company in 1852, 100 years later a Dallas paper popularized the recipe calling it “German Chocolate Cake”. De Hart Plumbing, Heating and Cooling serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas and Wamego Kansasfoods

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