Funnel Cakes

funnel cakesIt is Fair time folks, time for Funnel Cakes!  *1-1/4 cup flour *2- tablespoons sugar *1- teaspoon baking powder *1/4- teaspoon salt *2/3- cup whole milk *1-beaten egg  *vegetable oil  *1-box powdered sugar *1 kitchen funnel.   Mix dry ingredients, beat egg into milk and add to dry ingredients.  Heat 2 inches of oil in a heavy skillet.  With your finger over the funnel tip, pour batter into it.  Swirl batter around in hot oil. Lightly brown on one side and flip to cook the other side.  Drain and sprinkle with powdered sugar.  Eat while warm.   De Hart Plumbing, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas and Wamego Kansas.

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