
Ginger Cookies

Ginger cookies simply make the house smell like Christmas when you bake them.  Make a batch this weekend and enjoy! Here’s the recipe:  3/4 cup melted butter, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 egg, 1/2 cup molasses, 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking soda, 2 teaspoons ginger, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon cloves, 1/4 teaspoon salt.  Granulated sugar or powdered sugar for rolling dough balls in.  Beat butter and sugar.  Blend in egg and molasses.  Stir together all dry ingredients and add to batter.  Cover and chill overnight.  Mginger cookieake heaping teaspoon size balls and roll in your sugar of choice.  Bake on greased cookie sheet @350.


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