
Your Dreams

Your dreams can reveal things about you.  *Creative people are more likely to dream about unusual settings rather than about home or work.  *Do you ever dream about being pursued by a stranger or a monster? This could be an indication that you are avoiding dealing with something in your waking life.  *One study has shown that self-described conservatives are more likely to have mundane realistic dreams, while liberals have more bizarre dreams. Does this possibly mean liberals are more open-minded?  *Divorced people who have longer more dramatic dreams about the old relationship are more likely to adjust better to being single- dreams may help folks work through trauma.  *Type A personalities tend to report more disturbing dreams than laid-back people.  Hard driving types put more pressure on themselves and the stress can appear in dreams.  *Depressed people tend to start dreaming much sooner than others, as early as 45 minutes after falling asleep rather than the usual 90 minutes.  *Depending on what medications you are taking, many drugs are known to cause bad dreams, including antibiotics, statins, and antidepressants.  *The closer a person is to pass on from this world, the more likely he or she is to dream about loved ones who have passed on. *In one study, up to 90% of people who act out violent dreams by punching, kicking or yelling while asleep-may eventually develops Parkinson’s disease.  This behavior may also indicate REM sleep behavior disorder, an early sign of the disease.  De HYour Dreamsart Plumbing Heating and Cooling, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas, Topeka Kansas and some surrounding areas. 

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