Fireworks Safety

fireworksFireworks safety takes some common sense rules that need to be followed.  Thanks to the testing of consumer fireworks in China by the American Fireworks Standards Laboratory, consumer fireworks are now safer than ever. However, fireworks related accidents do occur each year, and most could be eliminated if some basic safety steps are used.  *Young children should not be allowed to handle or use fireworks *Parents should closely supervise teens if they are using fireworks *Fireworks should only be used outdoors *Always have water available when shooting fireworks *Know your fireworks-read the caution label before igniting *Obey local laws *Never mix alcohol use with fireworks use * Wear safety glasses when igniting fireworks *Never try to relight a dud-wait 20 minutes and put it in a bucket of water *Wet down spent fireworks before placing them in the garbage *Avoid homemade or illegal fireworks-they can kill you!  Now concerning sparklers: only use them while standing, never hold a child while using them, put used ones in a bucket of water as they remain hot after burning and do not wave them around or run with a lit sparkler.  De Hart Plumbing, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas and Wamego Kansas. 

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