
Get Active

Get active outdoors Get Activewhile it is still summer.  While you reap the benefits of the open air, get outside with the kids and enjoy nature and the outdoors.  Five to fifteen minutes of sunshine on your face, hands, and arms two to three times a week provides enough vitamin D to release mood-lifting hormones in the brain.  Here are some things to get outside and do with the family:  *Play catch  *Walk the dog  *Collect rocks  *Run through the sprinkler  *Go bike riding  *Go fishing  *Catch fireflies at sunset  *Hoola hoop with the kids  *Go bird watching with binoculars  *Play “I spy”  *Fly a kite  *Play miniature golf  *Plant a garden  *Take a nature walk  *Hunt for bugs  *Play kickball  *Wash the car together  *Read  under a shady tree  *Go swimming.  Did you know teenagers consume an average of nine hours a day of media entertainment?  One recent study found that regular walking boots focus and creativity.  Being outside and physically active naturally reduces high-stress levels leading to happier, healthier people.  While the weather is still nice, turn off all media and get outside with the family.  De Hart Plumbing Heating and Cooling serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas, Topeka Kansas and some surrounding areas.

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