
Sold on eBay

eBay was started in 1995 and has more than three million items sold on eBay.  A chunk of Mars sold for $450,000 in 2003.  Only 124 specimens found on earth are known Sold on eBayhave originated from Mars. In 1954 Albert Einstein penned a letter to Jewish philosopher Erik Gutkind defending his views on ethics, religion and human nature.  Six decades later that letter showed up on eBay and sold for $3,000,100.  Built-in 1923 the original Hollywood sign was a real estate gimmick.  It was replaced in 1978. The original sold on eBay for $450,000 in 2005. The town of Bridgeville California was sold for $1.25 million on eBay in 2006.  A new specimen of sea urchin sold for $138 by a collector after the Natural History Museum in London determined it was a previously unknown species.  De Hart Plumbing Heating and Cooling, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas, Wamego Kansas and outlying areas.

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