
Some Good Quotes

Here are some quotes.  *We spend so much time yearning for that special item that will finally make us happy, that we don’t take the time to look around and discover that we really are* – Anonymous  *Conformity is one of the most fundamental dishonesties of all.  When we reject our specialness, water down our given individuality and uniqueness, we begin to lose our freedom.  The conformist is in no way a free man.  He has to follow the herd* – Norman Vincent Peale  *Think deeply; speak gently; love much; laugh often; work hard; give freely; pay promptly; be kind* – Anonymous  *My personal trials have taught me the value of unmerited suffering.  As my sufferings mounted I soon realized that there were two ways that I could respond to my situation: either to react with bitterness or seek to transform the suffering into a creative force*  – Martin Luther King.  Some quotes to make you think… De HSome Good Quotesart Plumbing, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas and Wamego Kansas.




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