
Temperatures dropping early next week, look out for frozen pipes!

REMINDER! Temperatures dropping early next week, look out for frozen pipes!

space heaters

Quick drops to freezing temperatures, poor insulation, and low thermostat settings can cause your pipes to freeze. Freezing begins at 32 degrees, but you should start to worry about your pipes at 20 degrees for a few consecutive hours. In extreme temperatures to prevent your pipes from freezing, open all cabinets under sinks and turn all faucets to a light stream. If you have space heaters, plug those in directly to the wall outlets and heat up the space near the pipes to help prevent frozen pipes.

De Hart Plumbing, Heating & Cooling is providing a service to quickly de-thaw pipes under homes this year. If you are in need of service please contact our office at 785-341-4193!

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