
Tornado Preparedness

Here in Kansas, we are deep in severe weather and tornado season. We know to go to our tornado shelter when the sirens go off and we get the severe weather alerts on our phone, but are you taking everything with you that you should?  In the catastrophic event that your home is destroyed by a tornado, try to prepare for a quicker recovery by having these important documents and inventory lists together and easily accessible in a fire or waterproof safe:

Ø  Birth certificates

Ø  Social security cards

Ø  Wills

Ø  Ownership certificates (vehicles, boats, etc.)

Ø  Insurance policies

Ø  Household inventory (a list of content of your home, pictures or videotape of every room, and pictures of high-value items such as jewelry, collectables, and paintings)

In case of the event that you are stranded in your tornado shelter for an extended period of time, have these items packed and ready or even stored in your tornado shelter in the event of a tornado:

Ø  Water and canned or dried food

Ø  Flashlights

Ø  Batteries

Ø  Battery powered radio

Ø  Medications including prescription medications

Ø  First-aid kit

Be prepared! Because as you know, the weather here in Kansas can change very quickly!

De Hart Plumbing Heating and Cooling, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas, Wamego Kansas, Topeka Kansas, and some surrounding areas.

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