
Water Heater Helpful Information


Water Heater Helpful Information

    • Check the temperature setting on the water heater. It should be set no higher than 120°F to prevent scalding and reduce energy use.
    • Carefully drain several gallons from the water heater tank to flush out corrosion causing sediment, which reduces heating efficiency and shortens the life of the heater.
    • Consider replacing a water heater more than 15 years old. (The first four numbers of the serial number represent the month and year it was made.) Newer water heaters are more energy efficient.
    • Make sure flammables are not stored near the water heater or furnace.
    • Check the date of the water heater. The first four numbers of the serial number on the water heater are the month and year. Any heater over 15 years old is a candidate to be replaced.
    • A rusty water tank is a sign of pending problems.

    Water Heater Helpful Information

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