Frozen Air Conditioner

AC unitA frozen air conditioner is a bizarre but common happening.  It is certainly cause for concern.  Several common problems can cause you to have a frozen air conditioner.  Insufficient air flow can cause the temperature of the system’s evaporator coil to drop below freezing.  Humidity in the air will collect on the coil causing ice to build-up and diminish the system’s cooling capacity.  Dirty air filters, collapsed or obstructed ducts, damaged blower motors and dirt build-up on the evaporator coil – all can seriously impede air flow.  Refrigerant leaks or low levels of refrigerant can cause pressure drops in the air conditioner’s evaporator coil, which allows moisture in the air to freeze and accumulate on the coil.  Once you notice your air conditioner is frozen, turn it off and leave the fan running. Once it is defrosted replace dirty air filters and clean or remove any visible dirt or obstructions.  Then check the air flow.  If it still is not functioning properly it is time to call in a professional such as De Hart Plumbing @ 785-341-4193. Air conditioner freeze ups should be addressed immediately; continued ice accumulation can cause permanent damage to your AC unit and cost a lot more to replace versus repair. De Hart Plumbing, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas and Wamego Kansas.

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