
Home Cooling/Air Conditioning

a c unitDo you think your home cooling/air conditioning unit is ready to function properly once hot weather arrives?  You may want to have it serviced as soon as possible. It may seem like warmer weather is not on it’s way, but here in the Midwest a hot day can sneak up on you before you know it.  There is nothing worse when a warm muggy day arrives, you turn on your home cooling/air conditioning and only tepid air flows from your system. A De Hart Plumbing technician will service your air conditioner for the great price of $75.00.  We also offer a GREAT Preventative Maintenance Agreement to service your heating and cooling systems.  We will perform two seasonal services, one on your heating and one on your cooling system and service your water heater twice.  This is an annual plan for the GREAT price of $150.00.  What a deal!  Call today for an appointment: 785-341-4193.  De Hart Plumbing, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas and Wamego Kansas. 

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