
Attracting Birds

Attracting BirdsWith Springtime, it is time for attracting birds to your garden. You can make some simple items for attracting birds. Once you put out food and water all varieties of birds will come. One feeder you can make is by mixing one part peanut butter with three parts dry oats and spreading it on a large pine cone and rolling it in birdseed. Then hang from a tree branch or a shepherds hook and watch the birds enjoy their treat. One important tip: peanut butter alone without the oats can make their little beaks stick together.

Have a half of a grapefruit rind? String a sling of yarn on the rind, fill with birdseed and hang anywhere. Want to have a bird bath for your little feathered friends? Any old dish or container will work from a clay pot to an old bowl. Ideally, you want a bird bath to be 12 inches or more in diameter. A shallow pan or a pie plate will also work. You can sit it on a porch railing, a tree stump or hang it from a tree branch. Have an old garbage can lid? Flip it over, set it on bricks, fill it with water and watch the birds have fun. You should provide fresh water daily. De Hart Plumbing Heating and Cooling, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas, Wamego Kansas, Topeka Kansas and some surrounding areas.

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