
A hose bibb is your outside spigot.  If you didn’t secure it properly for the winter, you could have a problem the first time you turn it on this Spring.  You should have disconnected your garden hose from it and installed one of those foam covers over it.  If you didn’t take any precautions, the first time you use it don’t be surprised if you end up with a pipe that froze, expanded and cracked and a water leak in the wall.  If you live in a cold winter climate area, you may want to consider having a frost proof hose bibb installed before the next winter season.  If you didn’t secure your hose bibb for the winter be mindful the first time you use it as you could end up with a water leak and the water damage that can come with it.  De Hart Plumbing Heating and Cooling, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas, De Hart Plumbing and Heating and Cooling - Manhattan, KS 66502Wamego Kansas and some outlying areas.

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