
Here are some tips on removing certain stains.   COFFEE- 2-cups cold water mixed with 1-tablespoon dish liquid, sponge the stain with the solution, blot dry until the stain disappears, rinse and launder.  KETCHUP – flush with cold water so the stain won’t spread, dab with white vinegar and rinse. Launder in the hottest water setting that is safe for the fabric.  MUSTARD – scrape off excess mustard, rub glycerine (available at pharmacies) into stain and let sit 5 minutes. Rinse with cool water and launder on hottest setting safe for the fabric.  RED WINE – blot as much as possible with a sponge and cold water. Put a thick pad of paper towels beneath the spot, add pressure and continue blotting the stain. Launder as usual.  These stain removal tips are contingent on the fabric type. Be sure to read the clothing label and know what the fabric is and if it is safe to use these tips as silk and cashmere and other fine fabrics may need to be sent to the dry cleaner. De Hart Plumbing Heating and Cooling, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas, Wamego Kansas and some outlying areas. De Hart Plumbing and Heating and Cooling - Manhattan, KS 66502

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