
Summer Tips

watering lawnNeed some summer tips?  If you enjoy gardening, chances are you will be using the garden hose to water the flowers or lawn.  Make sure that when you water, you don’t yank on the hose.  You could stress the hose and cause a tear. But the main reason is that yanking the hose can actually break or disengage the hose bib (outside faucet).  Without a shut-off valve, water will flow freely causing a huge mess and a repair bill.  Another summer tip deals with cutting your grass. Everyone enjoys a well manicured lawn, but be weary of what you will be riding over, especially if you have a sprinkler system.  You don’t want to accidently pulverize one of the sprinkler heads.  If your yard clean out drain is elevated above ground level, you need to be careful not to run it over.  When mowing, keep your eyes on the lawn in front of you.  De Hart Plumbing, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas and Wamego Kansas.

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