Parts of a Furnace; Hot Surface Ignitor

Hot Surface IgnitorIn a gas furnace, gas is ignited by hot surface ignitors. When energy is fed through it, it behaves like the filament of a light bulb and heats up.

Your furnace’s induced draft motor turns on as soon as a request for heat is received. Once combustion has begun, the exhaust byproducts will be safely released outside of the home. A sensor will confirm that the motor has started and the hot surface igniter will soon begin to flash brightly red due to the electrical energy being sent to it by the furnace’s control board. A specific length of time must pass before the gas valve opens up in order to ensure that it has warmed up to the proper temperature. The hot surface instantly ignites the gas once it has started to flow into the burners. Electrical current to the hot surface igniter stops flowing as soon as combustion has begun.

Gas pressure, voltage, control board issues, dust, and improperly sized equipment can all cause your hot surface ignitor to quit working. Without the spark made by the hot surface ignitor your furnace can only circulate air that is being brought in from the outside, whatever temperature that may be.

DeHart Plumbing Heating & Cooling offers a VIP Membership that will cover the inspection of a hot surface ignitor. Click here to read more on our VIP Membership

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