
Rainy Season

flood alarmNow is the time to prepare for the rainy season.  If you live in a flood area be sure your sump pump is functional.  Pour water into the sump pit and turn on the pump and make sure it drains the water correctly.  Do you have flood alarms installed?  If so, make sure you inspect them to assure they still work.  If you don’t have flood alarms and live in a flood zone, get them installed before the rainy season starts.  Working flood alarms can help you save your valuables from water damage by alerting you when you need to rescue them.  Inspect your gutters and down spouts and clean them out, sometimes critters take up residence in them during the winter and you want them to flow properly during the rainy season.  De Hart Plumbing, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas and Wamego Kansas.

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