
Tankless Water Heater Servicing

What does your tankless water heater do? Heats water! It takes cold water from your water supply pipe and heats it, then pumps through your home when you use the water.

Why should you service it? Assists in longevity, promotes energy efficiency, helps avoid need of repairs, clears out the mineral deposits that build up.

What do we do during your service?

  • Shut off water supply and drain water heater
  • Connect service pump, hoses & prep for for descaling
  • Cycle food grade vinegar through the water loops (hot & cold) until system is completely descaled
  • Clean inside and outside of water heater
  • Service burners and combustion motor
  • Clean water inlet filter
  • Clean fresh air intake
  • Inspect exhaust & ensure pipe is free of debris
  • Check electrical components
  • Perform inspection of all water & drain lines around the work area

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