Why You Should Vote

Why You Should VoteWhy You Should Vote – Voting is one of the most important rights and responsibilities as a U.S citizen. There are many Americans who are registered to vote, but many don’t. The citizens who don’t vote are giving up a chance to choose leaders and representatives who will make changes that are important to them.
Voting lets you tell the government what is important to you as a citizen.  You can vote for the person who offers the ideas and services that align with your ideology. If citizens want more services, then vote for someone who offers more services.  If you want fewer services, vote for the person who makes that offer.
Here is how you can vote and make a difference – *Vote in every federal,state and local election  * Educate yourself about the candidates and issues before voting  *Know what’s going on in your country and community  *Remind everyone 18 and older to get registered to vote  *Respect your right to vote – It’s a privilege that many people in the world don’t have.  De Hart Plumbing Heating and Cooling, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas, Wamego Kansas, Topeka Kansas, and some surrounding areas.

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