
Lowering Heating Costs

Heating CostsWe’re getting closer and closer to official heating season Kansas. Once you start running your heating system, you can expect your energy heating costs bill to rise, but there are a few things you can do to help alleviate some of those energy costs that come with heating your home.

–          Turn your ceiling fans to run clockwise to pull the cool air up and push the risen warm air down

–          Wear more clothing or cuddle up with a blanket

–          Keep unused doors closed such as closet, pantry, and cabinet doors. We do not recommend closing doors that have air registers in them!

–          Update your insulation

–          Winterize windows by adding weather stripping, caulk, and thick, thermal curtains

–          Use a humidifier to increase the humidity in the air which will make it feel warmer than it is

–          Have your annual maintenance completed on your heating system

Now’s the time to start taking a look at places where drafts come into your home such as windows and doors, checking and adding insulation as needed, and giving us a call to have your annual furnace service completed! Give us a ring at 785-341-4193 and let our technicians take care of all of your heating system needs!

De Hart Plumbing Heating and Cooling, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas, Wamego Kansas, Topeka Kansas, and some surrounding areas

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