
School Safety for Students and Adults

school safetySchool has started for all of our students in this area! Some parents can finally breathe a sigh of relief and finally have some ‘me’ time, while others know that this is only just the beginning of the after-school activities, late nights, and fundraisers. Whichever parent you may be, or not a parent at all, the safety of our kids is always important!

**Be Aware in School Zones

Slow down and follow the speed limit in school zones. Always be aware of walking and biking pedestrians. When you stop at a crosswalk, make sure you stop behind the line so people won’t have to walk around your vehicle and possibly into the path of nearby traffic.

**Pay Attention While Driving Near School Busses

Never pass a bus whose lights are flashing and stop sign is extended FROM EITHER DIRECTION YOU’RE COMING FROM. Give plenty of room in front of and behind a stopped school bus to allow children a safe distance to enter and exit the bus and to cross roadways.

**Teach Safety to Children

Always have them wear a correctly fitted helmet if riding a bike. Make sure they know traffic signs and signals and are always looking both directions before crossing a street whether they’re walking or riding. Educate them to never talk to or get into vehicles with strangers, to practice the buddy system, and to always stay aware of the vehicles and people around them while walking to and from school.

**Stay off of Devices and Stay Attentive

Keep your hands free and eyes on the road.  Children can be inattentive and dart into the road while playing with friends. Teach your children to not play close to streets. But also, keep yourself free from distraction by staying off your cell phone and touch screens in your vehicle as well as not turning to talk to passengers.

**Teach New Drivers to Focus

Slow and steady always wins the race! Set restrictions on their phones (if possible) to not allow for them to text or call while driving. Also, make sure they are ONLY driving when every passenger in the car has buckled up.

Let’s do all that we can to take of our kids and keep them safe!

De Hart Plumbing Heating and Cooling, serving Manhattan Kansas, Junction City Kansas, Wamego Kansas, Topeka Kansas, and some surrounding areas. 

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