Top 5 Plumbing Problems
Here are the top 5 plumbing problems. 1- Plugged Toilet, the usual culprits are baby wipes, tampons, paper towels, sanitary napkins and disposable diapers. Remember the 3 P’s
We post blogs across all sorts of topics in HVAC, Plumbing and more to educate our followers.
Here are the top 5 plumbing problems. 1- Plugged Toilet, the usual culprits are baby wipes, tampons, paper towels, sanitary napkins and disposable diapers. Remember the 3 P’s
Ever wonder what the parts of a furnace are? You usually only hear about them when they fail and you are paying the repair man to fix it,
Thawing frozen pipes can take time and patience. If you turn on the water and either a trickle or no water comes out and you are living in
A heat pump looks no different than a standard outdoor air conditioning unit. A heat pump performs the same job as an air conditioner in the summer; extracting
Freezing temperatures can reek havoc if you are not prepared. Extreme cold can be hard on you and your home, here are some tips to avoid unpleasant happenings.
How to build the perfect fire. 1- Save 2 inches of ash bed from your last fire, but leave 1 inch clear between the ash and grate as
It is time to winterize your home. * Cold air is rushing in under doors, make a “draft snake” which is simply rolling up a towel and placing
Carbon monoxide poisoning issues can occur with winter on the way. It’s time to check the furnace and fireplace. Carbon monoxide is odorless and tasteless and you cant
The word furnace derives from the Greek word fornax, meaning oven. A household furnace is a major appliance that is permanently installed to provide heat to an interior
Is your furnace ready for winter? Fall is here so it is time to think about warming your home versus cooling it. Here are a few steps to